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Mothering the Self, Mothering the World: A Weekend Workshop in Purposeful Memoir at Rowe

May 9 @ 4:00 pm - May 11 @ 1:00 pm

Join me for “Mothering the Self, Mothering the World,” a special Mother’s Day weekend writing retreat at the beautiful Rowe Retreat Center in the forested mountains of northern Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Through the practice of purposeful memoir writing, tap into your own creative well as you reconnect with the land, plants, animals, and other Gaian beings that sustain us.

Spiritual teachers like Thich Nhat Hanh, Thomas Berry, and Llewelyn Vaughn-Lee agree with cutting-edge quantum theorists that there is no essential separation between our individual selves and the larger world of which we are a part. With every breath we inhale the oxygen created for us by the plants of Mother Earth, which we nourish in turn when we exhale.

Over the course of an intimate, thought-provoking series of writing-based workshops, we’ll explore the ways our life stories are interwoven with the larger unfolding stories of our time and the places we have lived and loved.

As Robin Wall Kimmerer eloquently notes, what is needed in our time is not only a restoration of a reciprocal relationship between humans and the more-than-human world but also a re-story-ation—a purposeful return over the stories of our lives, looking back to better understand how we arrived at our fraught present moment, and to begin envisioning how we can step intentionally and joyfully into the thriving future that we co-create with Mother Earth.

Workshop sessions will be interspersed with opportunities to connect with the beautiful springtime landscape of Rowe, featuring its lake, forest trails, and rustic, peaceful decks and porches. We will share delicious meals, heartwarming conversations, and laughter as we knit ourselves into a community of kindred spirits, exploring our connections with each other and the entire Gaian web of life, in service to the healing and regeneration of ourselves and our planet.

Sliding scale tuition and a range of accommodations available on site, along with delicious meals. 

Find out more and register here.