Birth Your Truest Story…

By Nourishing Your Most Tender Voice

 Join an inspiring new online community for writers!

I’m delighted to be co-hosting, with my lifelong friend Audrey Kalman, a new series of classes, workshops, writers’ circles and more, as part of the Birth Your Truest Story online community for writers.

We invite you to step into a non-judgmental space where you will feel safe to discover your most tender voice, so that your truest stories can take root and blossom.

Find out more here

    “BYTS has kept me accountable, built my confidence about my story being one to persist at, and gotten me over some significant hurdles in my attempt to write a challenging memoir story. Especially helpful are the opportunities to share work, receive feedback, and voice feelings and reactions about doing the writing.”

    —M.C.S., 2021