Jun 23, 2022 | Writing Life
It’s the Summer Solstice, friends! Do you feel your energy rising? I am always aware, at this time of year, how the wildflowers turn their faces to greet the sun, seeming to quiver with delight at all that life-giving energy streaming down from the...
Apr 24, 2022 | Writing Life
Greetings, friends!I was a nature-loving child when the first Earth Day was celebrated, back in 1970.As I recounted in my environmental memoir, What I Forgot…and Why I Remembered, and as you can see from my childhood drawings at 8 or 9 years old, I was...
Mar 30, 2022 | Writing Life
Let’s imagine you’re having lunch with a new friend—we’ll call her Gloria—and you want to share the story of your life. Where do you begin? Do you begin with your childhood, telling Gloria about your parents and the home where you grew up? But how...
Mar 21, 2022 | Uncategorized, Writing Life
Like 9/11, 2001, January 6, 2021 will be one of those dates Americans will remember for the rest of our lives. Where were you when the Twin Towers came down? How did you find out that the U.S. Congress was under attack? These are the kind of historical markers...
Mar 21, 2022 | Writing Life
As we make our way, day by day, through very difficult times, the question keeps arising: How can I contribute, in some small way at least, to being the change I want to see in the world? I have no doubt that the answer lies in in the power of creative...